1 x 500 | €129,50 |
10 x 500 | €117,50 |
20 x 500 | €104,50 |
- 260 micron thick special inkjet coated paper, tear resistant
- Blank
- Size badge: 54 x 86 mm (media setting 59 x 185 mm)
- Equipped with 1 slit for badgeclip or lanyard
- Per 500 badges in 1 box
ExpoBadge type 260TC is a special tear-resistant paper badge with a size of 54 x 86 mm and is provided with 1 slots for usage with a suspender clip or lanyards with either a single hook or a clip. The ExpoBadge 260TC is provided with a bleeding zone so it can be printed from edge to edge. ExpoBadge uses the Butterfly technology to make double sided printing possible.
The ExpoBadge products and materials are all developed for the Epson ColorWorks printers like the Epson TM-C3500. The combination with ExpoBadge materials and the Epson TM-C3500 guarantees an best result and quality. ExpoBadge can be used in some other inkjet label printers that are able to work with fan folded media but the printout quality cannot be guaranteed.
Sustainable: All ExpoBadge materials are 100% recyclable as old-paper. The carrier material is a special Kraft paper with a low amount of silicone making sure it can also be recycled as regular paper.
Tear resistant paper: Using a ExpoBadge of the “T” range makes the badges suitable for events that are lasting one or several days. The “T” range of ExpoBadge is produced with the same special inkjet coated paper as the regular/budget ExpoBadge badges but is provided with an extra PET layer. This extra layer makes it nearly impossible to tear the paper making sure that the badge is extra durable.